April Week 1: 5 Steps To Ride Through Cravings

Welcome to April!

I have a case of Spring fever! Do you? I have been out weeding the vegetable garden in my backyard in my few minutes of free time and it feels so good to be out in the sunshine and to feel re-energized-and re-awakened.

This month, I want us to focus on Mastering Cravings. Cravings are a natural part of being a living being. However, when we routinely give in to cravings for refined foods, this craving can become a habit - and a huge obstacle to weight release.

This week, I want to keep it simple with an easy 5-step way to refocus our minds away from those pesky daily cravings, but still give ourselves a treat. There is a huge difference between giving in to a craving and giving ourselves a treat.



CRAVING definition: A powerful desire for something.

Along the paths of our daily lives, we have many thoughts that pass though our minds. Thousands upon thousands of thoughts pass through the wiring in our brain. Some pass along without much fanfare and some hit us harder and create a powerful agitation, saying: "NOTICE ME! TAKE CARE OF ME!"

A craving for food is a powerful pull that hijacks your mind from what it was doing and momentarily keeps your attention until it is dealt with.  When we struggle with our weight, often we just let that craving take over and we give in to the urge for food. Every time we do that, we strengthen that brain wiring so that the next time the craving comes through our circuitry, it becomes ever more powerful growing stronger than ever.

I am going to walk you through a very effective method of mastering those neural bucking broncos and tame them into submission so that they eventually go away and you can be free.

  1. PLAN FOR A NICE TREAT AT THE END OF THE DAY: Many cognitive studies have shown that if there is a treat planned for the end of the day, the mind can be refocused with delayed gratification. Many thoughts of food pass through our mind, but if we get into the habit of saying “not now, but later” it allows us to "pass" on the food, knowing something good is coming later.
  2. PREPARE FOR OUR CRAVINGS AND BE READY WITH A PLAN BEFORE YOU START YOUR DAY: Usually the strong cravings we experience happen in a pattern throughout our day.  Anticipate them by:
    • Think through your vulnerable craving time in your morning meditation.
    • See yourself having the craving and then saying to yourself, “I don’t need that now because I am going to have that treat at the end of the day”. By doing this, you are creating a new neural detour that allows the thought to move along - “Oh, I get a treat later, good!”
  3. MAKE THAT END OF DAY TREAT A QUALITY ONE: Often we substitute with unsatisfying low calorie foods because they are fewer calories which allows us to eat more. Remember-- after 3 bites our mouth satisfaction diminishes greatly. Consider trading in quantity for quality. Enjoy a square of really nice dark chocolate or put real whipping cream on a bowl of berries.
  4. SAVOR THAT END OF DAY TREAT: Instead of eating your treat in front of the TV or your computer, sit in your dining area and mindfully eat. When you eat with distractions, you don’t fully enjoy the food that you are giving yourself. Respect yourself and the food you eat and enjoy the experience.
  5. LEARN WHAT YOUR CRAVINGS ARE TELLING YOU: Often we will crave a food, but it really isn’t the food that we crave. It is the symbolic meaning that our mind has associated with the food. If a craving keeps coming back and is strong, close your eyes and ask yourself - “what is this craving trying to tell me?” 

Next week, we will look more deeply into how to get underneath the persistent cravings that are triggered by emotion and not just the passing thought for a treat.

Have a great week and enjoy riding through those cravings!

Remember you are the master—they do not run you!

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