March Week 4: Structuring Your Weight Release, Part 2

march weekly blog Feb 26, 2024

This last week of March and the last week of our theme of Patience and Persistence, I am going to continue to help you to create a repeatable structure for your meals and exercise in order to stay consistent over time.

Structuring Your Weight Release - Part 2

Last week I talked about my garden and how it took me some time and trial and error to build a garden I love that is very low maintenance. Every once in a while, when the seasons change, I have to get in there and add some things or cut things away, but for the most part, the structure remains year in and out.

The same happened with my weekly exercise structure. Honestly, I have been following the same structure for the most part (except for a few months when I was super pregnant or had just given birth) for years. I definitely have changed up food choices and specific exercises, but the habits that I cultivated and the way I eat and move, the amount of calories I burn and take in, has remained constant over time, allowing me...

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March Week 3: Structuring Your Weight Release - Part 1

march weekly blog Feb 26, 2024

I hope you are great and enjoying the wild and wacky weather this spring is bringing in.

I would like to take the next two weeks to look at creating a structure for your eating and exercise within your daily calorie budget for weight release - one that is repeatable so that it can become a low maintenance habit rather than something you have to consciously focus on all the time.


I was out in my garden last Sunday.  It was a glorious day and my front yard is coming to life. There are roses and other flowers blooming, but also all the other plants that go all year long.  I love my front garden -- there is no grass and the plants don’t take much water or care -- it is both beautiful and low maintenance. (This is going to tie into weight mastery in a moment - so hear me out.


My garden was not always like this. It took time and trial and error to set up a garden that now I look...

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March Week 2: 5 Steps to Weigh Yourself

march weekly blog Feb 26, 2024

According to the National Weight Registry, most Weight Masters weigh themselves at least once a week while reducing their weight. Now, I know our relationship to that cold slab of metal can be fraught with emotions both high and low when we are stuck in “Fat Thinking”:

  • Weighing myself depresses me
  • I like going by my clothes
  • The scale never changes so why do I even bother?

For years you have been weighing yourself as a dieter and now I want to show you how to weigh yourself powerfully - as  a weight master.  When we use the synergy of our mind, the physics of weight release, along with the environmental measuring device - our weight scale - it removes us from the emotional roller coaster and keeps us focused on facts.  The difference is not on the scale, it’s in your head.


I want to introduce you to Julie, who came to see me wanting to release a pound a week for a year. That was her goal, simple right? Here was her...

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March Week 1: Be Here, Not There

march weekly blog Feb 26, 2024

Is it March already? I hate to sound cliché, but these first few months have gone so fast, I can hardly believe it’s almost Spring. Life has become so fast paced hasn’t it?

So it makes sense in this “I want it now, expect it now, and get it now” world why it is hard to have patience when it comes to weight release. Diets, cleanses and fad regimes give the allure of the quick fix but we know that those quick fixes never last and leave us feeling worse than before.

So, this month, we are going to focus on developing patience and persistence with the weight release process—so that we can actually make true and lasting changes that are meaningful to not just our health but to our confidence as well.



When I struggled with my weight, I couldn’t take the weight off fast enough. Ever.

The excess weight on my body that I felt when I sat or looked at myself in the mirror always taunted me, “You are a failure, you are a...

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