April Week 4: How To Crave The Good Stuff

We have been focusing on cravings this month and have mostly been looking at how to master our negative cravings. But how about creating positive cravings? Wouldn’t jonesing for exercise and broccoli be pretty good? Well, let’s explore how to do that, shall we?



A craving is a desire for something. The brain attaches the promise of reward to things it believes will make you happy. The interesting thing is that the actual having of the thing may not actually make us happy, but if the brain perceives that it will make you happy, it will send a simultaneous shot of dopamine and stress response through your body creating an agitation drive that compels you to fulfill the craving.

The good news is that we can get in the habit of positive cravings just like we get into negative cravings. I invite you to try a few of these tips this week to got your mind primed for some healthy living solutions.

  1. CREATE A POSITIVE CRAVING: By pairing something that you don’t crave with something that you love, you can “borrow” the positive dopamine surge and trick the brain into associating the “thing” you want to crave with the thing you actually crave.
    • Example: Pair exercising with your most favorite songs in the world. or with shopping - walk at the mall!
    • Example: Pair eating a healthy veggie stir-fry with sitting outside and watching the sunset or playing wonderful soothing music while you eat.
  2. ALTER YOUR ENVIRONMENT: All cravings start with a cue. Put your walking shoes by the television or computer or put some healthy treats where you used to keep the cookies. Research shows even positive notes to yourself create a shot of dopamine.
    • Post notes around the house reminding you of how good it will feel to reach certain milestones:
    • Example: You are heading towards feeling great in your bathing suit this summer.
    • Example: You are going to feel so proud of yourself when you get into your jeans.
  3. FOCUS ON THE REWARD OUTCOME: Often when we think of exercising, we dread sweating or the actual work out and that is what we focus our mind on. It doesn’t feel good and we feel stressed and then associate exercise with a negative feeling.

Research shows that when you focus on the actual reward of the thing you want to crave, your mind starts giving you that spurt of dopamine that associates that activity with happiness, which creates a desire for it.

  • Example: Instead of focusing on the workout, focus on how fabulous and happy you will feel after your workout and how amazing your body will feel.
  • Example: Imagine how great it will feel to leave food on your plate and still feel light and energized after a meal.
  • Example: Imagine how good you will feel 3 hours after ordering the salmon with greens beans rather than the hamburger and fries.

Have an wonderful week full of positive cravings and positive health. Keep on being masterful!

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