August Week 3: Does Your Environment Love You?

This week of 'Loving Ourselves Down the Scale' month, I want to discuss our environments and how they either love us into weight mastery or leave us in the weight struggle.

Eight times out of ten, when a client who has been experiencing easy weight release begins to struggle the roadblock is environment related:

  • Someone brought a tempting food into the client's environment (and that someone might be them.)
  • The client forgot to restock healthy foods or plan their meals ahead.
  • The friend who was initially supportive is now becoming a saboteur, asking the client to join them at their old favorite and fattening restaurant.

It's easy to take our environment for granted and not realize the power they wield with regards to our weight release success or failure.



I have been thinking about my own weight mastery and how over the years, I evolved a loving attitude towards myself. As part of this, I want all the places that I spend my time in to provide me with a similar loving and nurturing support. I am telling you this because I encourage you to cultivate the same sort of loving environments for yourself in your home, office, car and any place else you spend your time.

Are your environments supporting you or are they dangerous places full of booby trap trigger foods and tempting munchables that leave you robbed of your health and self-esteem? If they are the latter, I encourage you to scope out your environments this week and really question deep down how much they are loving you and go about upgrading your relationship between yourself and your kitchen.

Have a great week and enjoy spreading the love!

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