January Week 2: Create Your Thinner World In 7 Days

Welcome to our second week of January and our theme of focus as we zero in on how to create the powerful outcome of weight release. Not just in the short term—but the long term.



Long term weight release happens. But it doesn’t JUST happen. Releasing weight is a creation.

That is why over 70% of people who have maintained long term weight release have learned the skill of setting weekly weight release goals and then tracking their food and exercise on a daily basis to keep them FOCUSED on achieving those goals.


When people tell me they are going to “try” to eat less and “hope” to exercise more, I tell them that their good intentions are not good enough. Trying and hoping are like hitting the “off” switch on your weight release plans.

You must focus on creating an outcome—what we might call a WEIGHT GOAL--every week. Why? It literally turns on your brain to focus on what you are going to create.

A one pound release:  3500 calories burned

A half pound release: 1750 calories burned

Two pound release: 7000 calories burned

Releasing weight is burning energy. Once we get our minds clear on our SPECIFIC GOAL, we can then break that down into 7 days of fulfilling that goal—what I call our DAILY FOCUS.

If I want to release one pound in a week, I will need to focus on burning 3500 calories for that week or 500 calories a day.

My daily focus then can revolve around eating and moving in a way that creates that energy burn.

Tracking your food and exercise actually keeps you focused because it keeps your brain specifically focused on creating that burn through your food choices and daily physical activity.

I am going to give you some things to listen to and watch this week to REMIND you how important this skill of CREATING weight release by focusing on energy balancing is to your long term success. Remember RESEARCH has shown that most long term successful weight masters have developed this specific skill of focusing in this way.

I am also going to urge you to journal your food and exercise or use one of that apps that I mention below.

Have a great week CREATING WEIGHT RELEASE 7 days at a time.

Have a great week getting refocused on creating your weight release and feel the power of knowing how to create that powerful outcome!

Access your Hypnosis and Meditation Library

Use these meditation, hypnosis, and coaching sessions to keep your mind in thin thinking.

Hypnosis, Meditations, and Coaching Sessions

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