A funny thing happened when I got on the scale Monday. We were having someone work on our bathroom and the scale had been put away so I had not weighed myself for a week. I admit, when I get out of the routine of getting on the scale, it’s always harder to get back on. That’s why I do it every day, to keep it a mindless habit I don’t even think about. Part of being in the weight mastery cycle for me is just doing what works for me. Weighing myself and not making it a big deal and just staying in touch with reality helps my brain and weight stay stable.
So, my thoughts walking to the bathroom to get on the scale were, "just get on. Yes you ate (and drank, it was a fun Sunday!) more calories than you usually did but overall I bet you are fine because you didn’t overeat enough to gain" (BTW this is a huge benefit of tracking while you are away: knowing for certain where you stand when you get home) "and you exercised. So just get on the scale, get the number, and then get off.”
I got on the scale and I weighed…nothing. Nothing! as in Zero Huh? I got off and got on again. Nothing! Okay, now I know my weight has been stable for years (a miracle I never thought possible before I made my own Shift) but this is ridiculous! I turned the scale over - no battery! Huh. I looked around and could not find the battery anywhere. It must have gotten carried away by the scale fairies? Or construction workers? Okay, I got to weigh nothing for a day until I bought a new scale battery.
Now I know this is a silly story but I wanted to reach out to those of you who may be trying to release weight and the scale has somehow gotten stuck in one place. When I struggled, there were many times when I felt stuck and I really did think my scale was broken because I was convinced I was doing everything right.
Often though, I was not tracking my food or exercise accurately so my “doing good” was in my head and not in reality. Other times, I was convinced my body was broken and I just could not lose weight. When I made my Shift, I realized that what was broken was my relationship with myself when I was standing on the scale!
So I wanted to give your Inner Coach - that part of you who can lead you effectively to your ideal weight - some good coaching material so that you can get the scale going again, not get frustrated, and stay in the weight mastery cycle.
…and how to Shift back into weight release
Okay have a great week - even on the scale!
Get that Inner Coach out of the closet!
Use these meditation, hypnosis, and coaching sessions to keep your mind in thin thinking.
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